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Nov 29, 2021
The Top 5 Benefits of Microneedling Part 2 | LM Clinical
There are that many incredible benefits of microneedling that are worth knowing about, that we couldn’t just leave it at 5. That is why...

Nov 18, 2021
The Top 5 Benefits of Microneedling | LM Clinical
As you know, in our clinic, we use the SkinPen UK device to provide a high standard microneedling service to all of you. We have always...

Oct 28, 2021
The Story Behind Leanne Marie Clinical Skincare & Aesthetics | LM Clinical
Leanne gets a lot of questions about how she found herself in this industry and how she came to founding a business within it. As a...

Oct 13, 2021
Top tips for taking care of your skin this Autumn/Winter | LM Clinical
So, it’s official we are in Autumn now and the transition into the colder months is well underway. What does this mean for our skin? The...

Sep 28, 2021
How to Figure Out Your Skin Type | LM Clinical
It is often confusing to figure out which skin products are best suited to your skin. So, the first thing you need to do is to find out...

Aug 11, 2021
Laura Whitmore Joins the AlumierMD Family | LM Clinical
In the world of AlumierMD there has been some very exciting news released recently. Our AlumierMD Family is growing rapidly, as just a...

Jul 16, 2021
Which peel is right for you? | LM Clinical
Leanne's skin care clinic offers a wide variety of chemical peel's and is a calming and welcoming environment as shown in the image.

May 31, 2021
The difference between UVB, UVA and Phototherapy | LM Clinical
Keeping your skin safe and healthy It is always so important that you are taking care of yourself and your skin at all times. There can...

Mar 7, 2021
Advice For Acne Prone Skin | LM Clinical Â
Acne is a very common skin condition which affects the majority of people at some stage of their life. It can cause multiple challenges...
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